However, in an era of information and exchange, business growth must rely on the wisdom of the whole industrial community. HASA enjoys its reputation and built up its reliability by its high-standard professionalism, and spirit of seriousness and neutrality. HASA helps both organizations and individuals to develop their competencies from HR perspectives.
We offer our corporate members off-line orientation to improve their skillset of HR management or specific proposals for their HR issues. |
Intern & Apprentice
Employment & Advisory Tasks
On-job Coach &
Global Rotation &
Career Openings
Precise Mapping
Direct Push
Consultant Services
Provide in-house internship and apprentice programs for undergraduates and fresh gradutes to acquire on-job practice skills |
Full-time employment & advisorty tasks to offer members both long-time career development and contributions to the community |
Coaching and mentoring delivered by HASA alliance members and certified tutors to improve know-how about specific jobs |
Assigenments / internships in a global range from both Chinese and overseas employers with more internationalized career exposure |
Personalized career searching model with cloud-computing technology applied allow talents precise mapping between personal profile and openings |
A responsible HR solution should not provide only on-line data, meanwhile real-person communication is significant for talents to identify the appropriate career solutions |