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HASA Newsletter 201501

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International Risk Management Credentials Instructions


General Introduction
HR ADMINISTRATION & STRATEGY ASSOCIATION (HASA) is a non-profit professional HR association registered in China and acknowledged by Chinese government. HASA was founded by 300+ senior HR professionals above country level HR director from multinationals, entrepreneurs, and prestigious scholars. HASA dedicates to collaborating and sharing the most concentrated topics, best practice and industrial intelligence of HR management, and through high-end meetings and researches, revealing the latest trends of Greater China region. Base on extensive resources from government, entrepreneurs and media, we actively connect governmental organs, enterprises, and industrial associations to integrate and select the top resources for HR management and serve business operations.
Since August, 2016, HASA determines to launch the International Risk Management Credentials (IRM-HATM), . This Certification has been officially acknowledged by regulations of China National Ministry of HR and Social Security.
With 140 years' experiences of risk management research, Australia and Newzealand Institute of Insurance and Finance (ANZIIF), as a member of HASA Committee of Expertise, participates in the drafting of the exams. This program comprises 140 years' experiences and real cases of risk management, and HASA's capabilities of integrating academic resources and localizationg, concentrating on knowledge and skills of risk identifying, analyzing, evaluating and controlling in processes of fundrasing, investing, finance, IPO and compliance of public companies, procurement, production, sales, R&D, employment, environment, legal issues and etc..
Today, China is at the critical stage of economic restructuring, and mass entrepreneurship and innovation is a popular trend, meanwhile, traditional industries are confronting pressures of renaissance under the new environment. It is demanding and urgent for companies and new entrepreneurs to deal with new business types, models, processes, to have successful fundrasing based on correct analysis of operational risks in new products and new business models, besides, how to design and implement risk management policies and measures to avoid business risks and pursue healthy growth and opportunities in risks are all strategic matters for companies to survive and continuous operations.
To introduce such occupational credentials enables China to cultivate and reserve internationalized comprehensive talents of new types.
Now the certification exam is conducted through CBT (Computer-Based Test) in both English & Chinese versions to satisfy the demands worldwide. Please refer to detailed instructions for the value of the certification and the procedures you should follow to apply for the certifications.
Australia and Newzealand Institute of Insurance & Finance (ANZIIF ) is the independent body specialized in insurance and finance, founded in 1884 as the world's first institution of insuarnce and finance, ranked as one of the 3 biggest academic bodies of insuarnce and finance.
HASA acknowledges the certification holder who holds an ANZIIF valid certification of Risk Management before August 1, 2016 is automatically eligible for certified membership of HASA. Since August 1st, 2016, all applicants for ANZIIF certifications of Risk Management series from China should pass the certiying procedures of HASA and RMP-HFRTM exams. The successful applicant will hold both HASA certified membership and ANZIIF certification.

The Instructions Contain the Following Items
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Certification Process  
Verify knowledge and skills to plan and design systems of risk management and controlling, and execution capabilities
Verify execution capabilities of identifying and controlling operational risks, and capabilities of risk prevention of business
Verify fundamental knowlege and theories of risk management

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